I have bought an Arturia Microbrute ! An affordable little analog synth.
But… the people from Arturia are not really nice with Linux as they are not providing a software for Linux. Their software is not even running properly under Wine.
I spent quite a lot of time to find out a workaround (I don’t want to boot a windows machine every time I want to change a parameter) and I finally stumbled across a cool software : Microdude !

The software can be downloaded from github and is available on Librazik.
Thanks ! This is exactly what I was looking for !
Just found this, worked for me on manjaro, had to install https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-mido/ dependencies.
Thanks for your feedback ! It would be really cool if Arturia paid more attention to Linux users. fortunately, we have talentuous Free Software developpers.